
Originally built in the early twentieth century, it has undergone various transformations that have given it its current form. At the moment it has been settled to obtain 3 rooms, a kitchen and two halls, but unfortunately the demolition and faithful reconstruction will soon have to be carried out in order to preserve its memory and at the same time make it habitable according to current regulations.

Vegetable garden

The planned gardens will aim to make the community of Gaya self-sufficient from a food point of view, using permaculture and synergistic agriculture techniques.

Stilt houses

Designed to give hospitality to the first guests. These are very romantic alcoves that boast a wonderful view and unexpected comfort. They allow 2 people to stay overnight on the top of the tent and host a picnic table and benches below.


The stables will house all the animals functional to the cleaning, fertilization of the soil and trasportation, and they will contribute to the harmony and balance of the environment. It is not intended for use for food purposes.


The hall for common activities is being designed by the architecture students of the Reggio Calabria faculty. It will provide for a large open space with related services.


Clean and equipped area to be able to enjoy one of the most beautiful views that GaYa panorama offers. The sunset behind the Aeolian Islands is the peak moment that can be appreciated in this area.


Structure used only for concentration and meditation, isolated from the areas for the different activities. it will also be the result of the study of architecture students.

Tree house

There will be several scattered in the receptive area, they are still in a totally embryonic stage.


Home of all the participants in Gaya's daily activities, it is in the planning stage. It will be made with totally natural materials and for the most part self-sufficient.

Cherry orchard

In 2021 will start the planting of one hectare of cherry trees in the same place where it was once planted and where neglect has completely canceled.


A building of about 100 square meters to be demolished and rebuilt while keeping its memory, it will house the common kitchen, the refectory and a common laundry area.

Wooden tent

Small wooden housing units, hosting only two beds and space for storage. They replace the classic camping.

A-frame houses

There are two A frame houses which can host up to 4 people. They offer private baths, and a cooking and living area. For the moment, one of these houses will act as our common so we can start planned activities.

Phytodepuration lake

Due to the bureaucratic difficulties this project has been postponed for some time, but it will be the flagship of GaYa.

Welcome and thanks for your attention!

In this digital space we have condensed a large concept offering many projects, dreams and aspirations.

We hope with all our hearts that you can take time to explore it in all its parts and maybe find similarities in yourself in some of them.

  • GAYA
  • Seme nel cuore,
  • tessitura del valore.
  • Nessuno ti ha sognato,
  • qualcuno ti ha trovato.
  • Richiamo di foresta,
  • l'anima di appresta
  • corre veloce
  • dentro la tua voce.
  • Volto degli ulivi
  • di attimi giulivi
  • Lingua di castagno,
  • senso del guadagno.
  • Acqua, cielo vento e fuoco
  • sono molto più di poco
  • veri e fulgidi momenti
  • nella lirica dei sentimenti.
  • Piede sulla foglia
  • sguardo oltre la soglia
  • dall'alba all'imbrunire
  • sei fulgido sentire
  • Il seme qui germoglia
  • solo se ne ha voglia.
  • Il frutto in quel fiore
  • che dona il suo splendore
  • ogni petalo della corolla
  • perde la sua colla
  • Nella notte si è staccato
  • nella luce si è liberato
  • Lascia in vita solamente
  • ciò che nutre veramente
  • Cerchi GaYa per placarti
  • lei giunge per trovarti
  • E' incontro del destino
  • cerimonia del divino.
  • La natura come sfondo
  • ti ritrovi nel tuo mondo.
  • L'impossibile smarrisce,
  • qui la terra si riunisce
  • Nessuno con qualcuno
  • insieme fanno uno.
  • Tu elemento, lei condizione
  • Siete mondo di Unione.
  • F. Tassone


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