The Gaya logo

The name chosen and the logo created are the result of a long study and encapsulate a large part of the intentions and symbols of and for the place.

A four-letter name that encompasses different traditions and meanings. Although widely used throughout the world, the name GAYA here has the value of a condenser.

It contains references to the Hellenic tradition, which is deeply rooted in this part of the former Magna Graecia (goddess earth), and to ancient Roman and contemporary Italian culture (joy). The use of the Y in place of the I, on the other hand, was designed to recall the Amazonian tradition of shamanic rituals (AYA) and as a tribute to the sacred place in Eastern culture (Bodhi-Gaya, the place where the Buddha received complete enlightenment).

The payoff "World of union" seals the intent contained in the 4 letters.

With the graphics, we wanted to recall some of the distinctive features of the place and insert the symbol of universal order.

gaya logo

Spirale Aurea

Pino domestico



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